Why you need to celebrate your English lessons

Why you need to celebrate your English lessons

Do you ever celebrate your English lessons? Sounds weird I know. But do you know what makes you want to keep learning English? What makes you enjoy learning English?

Scientifically speaking it's dopamine. That's the hormone that makes you happy. Dopamine does a lot of jobs in your body, and making you happy is just one result.

When you do something rewarding or pleasurable dopamine is released. Dopamine makes you feel good and you want more. So you do more of the pleasurable thing.

Usually, people talk about eating delicious food,  listening to music, taking drugs or having sex as the pleasurable activities. But what about study? Not the same as food, roll and rock, drugs or sex, I know! 

But can studying cause a dopamine release?

The answer is yes, but here's the trick to cause a dopamine release, and therefore feel happy about studying - you have to celebrate! So every time - after you finish studying or after you finish a lesson, celebrate! No, I don't mean crack open a bottle of champagne or feast on chocolate cake. A quick 'well done me' is enough. Feel good about what you achieved. Say it aloud! Yay me! Smile. 

Compare this feeling to one of finishing your English lesson in school. You feel exhausted, bored, maybe fed up that your English isn't improving. You go away with a sigh or relief that it's all over. No dopamine there. But if you try to see the good side, that you did speak, you understood, and celebrate that feeling - now how do you leave? Head up, smiling, dopamine passing through your body. A much better feeling.

Your brain will come associate this feeling of happiness with study. You get a reward (a dopamine hit) after study. And over time you'll want to it more. So celebrate your English lessons, and you'll want to do more, and your English will improve, without you realising.

Try it this week!

If you're looking for innovative and creative English teachers to help you improve your English, and celebrate your English lessons with, check out the Elevate Directory of English language teachers.

3 adorable children, arms in the air catching confetti, with blue, white and pink dresses. Superimposed text says Why you need to celebrate your English lessons
